Polka is a traditional dance in the Czech Republic and it is also my most favourite one. However, while the band was performing this traditional music on a ball, DJ appeared and messed it up! Enjoy! Every feedback might be helpful
But Polka is from Polska
How about Speepolka or at least Dubpolka with some some jazzy vibes?
Btw. don`t forget the Master of Polka, the day when grandpa couldn´t sleep.
Thanks for Your feedback. Polka is from Bohemia, originated in 19th century and is performed by most of the states of Central Europe. I will consider other genres as well.
Name Polka origins from czech word “pulka” that means “half”. It is because of rhytm that is 2/4.
And because we (Czechs) had heart for Poland revolution in 1830 we renamed it to Polka
Name Polka origins from czech word “pulka” that means “half”. It is because of rhytm that is 2/4.
And because we (Czechs) had heart for Poland revolution in 1830 we renamed it to Polka
Thanks, Akiz! I didn’t know such details about polka