Delete all note in all note columns

When I input chords I use 3 note columns in a track. Is there a command to delete notes in all 3 note columns at once? Say for example I have C-2 E-2 G-2 and I want to delete just these 3 notes. At the moment I have to hit Delete, Right, Delete, Right, Delete to get rid of the notes. Is there a command that will delete notes in all note columns for the current track row?

Maybe (if you donā€™t mind the FX columns cleared as well) the ALT and DEL key is a possibility(?)
If (more specialized) you do mind the FX columns been cleared Iā€™d probably just write a few line one shot tool keyboard shortcut that clears the current line column(s).

Thanks again @4tey. I tried this ealier today and it didnā€™t work. I just reassigned it and it worked like a charm! Iā€™m sure the assignment said ā€œAlt + Delā€ rather than ā€œAlt Delā€ā€¦ so maybe thatā€™s why it didnā€™t work?

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ā€˜Alt Delā€™ is the default assignment, so itā€™s more likely that you just didnā€™t have Edit Mode enabled the first time.

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