Delete Muted Tracks

Is there a way to delete the tracks that are muted in the trackscope all at the same time? By that I mean only the notes in the tracks of the muted channels…


I guess not then… :(

No dont think so but could be a useful addition for advanced edit! Also something Im not sure about myself is the ability to have multiple blocks. If this is/ were possible (like using ctrl in windows) then obviously multiple blocks could be cleared aswell as tracks like you mention here. Both I think I would use.

Indeed, multiple blocks selection you can take to other patterns as well… The need for this is when I make repetitive music like trance/house etc. I usually start by making a pattern where the ‘full’ tune is running, copy this pattern like 8 times and then start stripping of the tracks to build up to this point…

Also why not a record muting/ unmuting of tracks?

Agree this would be a logical addition aswell. Currently I use the 0C00 -> 0CFF commands for this, but having the ability to record mutes as you make them from the track scopes/ tops of tracks (and in the future the mixer B) ) would be a quicker more intuitive way. Also you could then choose whether you wanted the track OFF or MUTE function as the command.

I think that using a controller key while clicking the mute buttons/ scopes would probably be the best way to do this.