Please could someone tell me how to delete note columns?
I put a bunch of note columns in to play with some chord inversion ideas and now I have several blank/empty columns and I simply want to remove them. I have looked everywhere but obviously not in the right place!
The hyponogogic hallucinations (due to lack of sleep/chemicals to keep you awake) are making it harder to see the screen now. Must…finish…track…!
It’s currently only possible to add or remove the last column in a track, so if your note data is scattered around the columns, then you will need to rearrange it first.
If you have note columns like: used, used, empty, used, empty, used
You should rearrange them to : used, used, used, used, empty, empty
Then you can delete the remaining 2 empty columns.
You can use the column cut/copy/paste shortcuts to speed this up: