ive been working on this track during my (short) moments of spare time since the start of spetember…yep, im working now, the system got me! a big change in my life but its not gonna stop me from making music…id say its even more important to me now, because im not having so much fun as before in my daytime!
well, thats enough about me, lets talk music! as always, when you got a baby its the 8th wonder of the world, but im curious to know your reactions. theres more variation than in the previous (wich was especially designed without much of it, as an attempt of ‘dj-friendly’ track, but i think the result gets a bit boring after a while -for mixing its definitely easier, but theres only one deck on myspace pages to sum it up, its some kind of “evol intent style” tune, wich is a good thing, because its the kind of dnb i respect the most…well…have a listen please, its better than words and im pretty confused when having to talk about myself…