Different Fonts for Patterncolums?

Hello, i am currently working on a Renoise color theme based on Fasttracker II’s “Blues” color theme.
I also recreated the “Future”-Font from ft2 as a TrueTypeFont and i am in the process to do so with the other bitmap fonts.

Is there by chance any way to change the fonts in the patterneditor individually,
so that delay/pan/volume or effects would be given a separate font as it used to be in ft2?
Or is this just one fixed font for all of the patterneditor?

Since there are XML tags in Config.xml for different fontstyles throughout the UI, i was wondering, if there might be a way to style the individual columns via PatternConfig.xml that might not be documented, since now it’s only used to define different fontsizes for the patterneditor to be selected from the configurationdialog.

Here is a screenshot of my work in progress:

And a Screenshot of Ft2 Clone for comparison:

Greetings and happy tracking :slight_smile: