Just a suggestion, if somebody is interestet of making a plugin, or if renoise would welcome this kind of feature.
(Seems renoise team already have under development similar “noodletrap” plugin… Still i like my idea more)
Basicly a testing area for instruments, where it would be a constant loop, recording for every keystrokes. So you could reproduce every inspirational melodies, what you came up, as you are tweaking your instrument. Meaning it would literally remember your natural beat of sound as you play them. (in millisecond precision, not Ticks or BPM).
(just skip all boring indent text to issue itself )
It would not save them in any way to harddisk, just keeps one constant minute loop in memory alltime. It would also help you not to go sidetracks in music making. As it would help examing your earlier inspirational melody, instead of trying to reproduce it yourself multiple of times.
You could call it a “Garage” or something, as musicians often practises those kind of places…
Main purpose for this would be testing instrument, beats and sounds. Also basic rythmic learning and training could be easily managet with this. It would save your natural rythm in milliseconds. Not in ticks or bpm
(beats per minutes)…
Well, i dont know, if there is anything like this already in some softwares. Or similar things, so this might be a stypid idea, or an unique idea. Its weird, as i thought this would be regular thing in all music software workflows… But im not so much of musician, just trying to make game musics So im not familiar with many music softwares.
So it would not need to have direct compatible with pattern editor. As it would not be intendent to record any sessions. It should only remember things, and forget them as you go on. So no millions of junk data to build things… As my friend suggested that i could record audio, but that would be insane to do always when trying instrument.
Like when you are just testing tweaking or testing new instrument and dont want to record every bit of testing. Sometimes with these kind of tweaking and testing, you many times accidenttally create a owesome beats in the side, but you might not remeber them correctly afterwards, as they where totally intuitive testing, when just jamming with instrument.
Im suggesting this idea, because im not intresting to move from game programming to music softwares. But i hope other people would like the idea too, so that somebody would actually make something like this
Im only an hobbyist game programmer, so bear with me
This is how i see the functions:
_ –Loop _
It would record a constant circling loop in milliseconds (not in BPM or Ticks). It would overwrite notes and effects in next round.
You could define how many seconds/minutes the loop would be. Normally loop would be like, 10-30 seconds.
(like piano roll)
Would not need any pattern like timeline. Just some indicator about where it goes. Digital second display would be enought.
As im more interesting to examine and testing instrument and melodys.
Only after that, i would want to reproduce it in pattern editorn to clean and precision version.
Option to choose, does it play the old notes, as its rewrites them. Easy way to keep repeating and fining your melody, and not get so easily to sidetracks.
–Fold loop
How many times the loop would “fold”. If you want to play “looper” style with yourself. Meaning that it would clean only on third round in loop.
Thatway it would remember two last round. But instead of making many loops, you could just make multiple “play points”. So it would just play longer loop from 3 different points.
And last point would overwrite notes.
Thisway it would be clean and no hassle for developer or user. It would be easy to fold intantly your loop 6 times and try overlay notes.
You could use any instrument, that are available in your track. Should work with midi input and Redux like plugins.
-Multi instruments
Would be greate to be able to use two instrument together somehow. Like assining midi input to certain instruments to play with many instruments.
–Notes / Virtual pianokeys / Visual indicator
I would prefer to save the actually keypressing and milliseconds from them. Also the same with midi device. This way it would not chance the natural ryhtm of yous playings. As many times you might make notes offbeat, but they still sound good, and you would want to examine why they sound good. Rather than forcing it to be in somekind of beat. Offcourse “ticks” are quite short to notice major difference, but still…
Something like “scifi styled informational pianokeys feedback”
Piano keys would show how long you pressed them and volume and all other things.
Other reason why i would prefer to show the playback with pianokeys, is because sometimes you get a great beat, but it isnt actually the pattern that is awesome, its the instrument itself.
Like some insrtuments just blends differently than others. So its inportand to get much of same feedback from earlier playtrought. For after examing.
(And these are the moments, when i think i have wasted many inspirational beats and things, that i havent be abel to recreate)
I would prefer visual indicator for notes. But it would not need to show the actual tracker styled pattern.
Because tracker style is not visually intuitive to examine your melodys. Of course it gives you the understand of your basebeat.
But thats not nessessercly where you want to focus.
Pure informational feedback is more inportand, becouse you can choose what kind of information you want to examine.
When working abstract music, which is normal to tracker, there is so many things to consider, what makes good music.
So focusing only notes and beats are not so good thing. You should examine how your instrument behaviour works in whatkind of beat.
“Lock” or “freeze” feature, where you can examine loop, and not accidentally lost anything.
Also with “lock on”, you could reherse the same part over and over again with your original jamming. So you could get hangon the beat and recreate buntch of similar beats in your head, for your song. So instead of stuck with one melody, You could keep it be a foundation inspiration to bunch of samekind melodys.
Make a short melody, then but “lock” on. Now you can try duetto with yourself as long as you have perfect syncht with yourself. Thatway eventually the beat have made in the back of you brain So if you would be like a DJ, you could train yourself thatway, while testing and tweaking your instruments.
-Play** back**
Of course playback option…
When the loop is on lock mode, you can just play the short loop if you want to listen and examine the melody you accidentally made.
if there is any interesting things to recreate in regular pattern editor.
You want to play certain part slower to examine it and desing effects.
You could alternate by playing your pattern editor, and then play you freeced loop, and try figuring what missing from the pattern editorn! Reason why thisway, and not directly to copypaste option, would be that thisway, you would get clean audio mix in pattern editor, as everyhing would be consideret more carefully.
It would not have record button, as it should be integrated to work with sampler.
-Background mode
Choose how long the autorecord would be, if the testing area would not be focused, but instead like redux or regular sampler would be focused. So it would not take so much of memory, but you could still jump to it. Meaning, if you would normally use 5 minutes loops, so in the background you would want to set it to only like 20 seconds…
Time how long, not pressing keys, the loop would automatically stop. So if you would keep the loop in background with 1 minute loop, and go to coffee, and then play a couple of notes. Your loop would have a one minute of content, instead of two notes
Possibly a background beat option, so you could test your new instrument with familiar rythms in background.
-Midi input
Midi input support, as i have “QuNeo” myself, it would be handy to use that. Also it would be great to play with QuNeo and see whatkind of notes im actyally generating, when it sounds good. As i often forget to watch the notes, or even remember how my notes are on QuNeo
One idea would be to make also experiement area to mix effects to instruments. So basicly altering your instrument without altering the actual instrument. You would tweak a replica! Then you could go wild and crazy with every instrument in the spot. Especially its always hassle to duplicate instrument yourself, and implement it top off previous instrument. Its hassle also to get it to previous state, if you have tweaked something else between. Also you could test track effects without messing with your tracks.
So that was it!
I dont mean, it would need to be a composer… More like a learning, testing and inspiration capture place. This is how im trying to set my workflow beginning. Its shame, that i cant think any intuitive naturally easy way of doing this now in renoise. Im new to any kind of paid music softwares, so i doesnt know the standarts.
It could be plugin, or just feature to renoise or redux.
As the “redux” was a bit dissapointment, becouse for me it didint give me much more than renoise already. As i want to greate my instruments also from scratch
Could be simple to even impelent this to being “test looper” to the already existing pianokeys in the renoise. It could have its own short loop memory for this kind of testing, it would be enought for me
Now my solution is actually been, that i have realtime macro recorder for my keyboard And if i want to reproduce the melody, i can just see what keys i have pressed and milliseconds. Or i can play the macro if i want. But i need to isolate the right spot first… Its still some unnessesserly hassle But wont miss inspirational intuitive random melodys if when making new instruments
My musician vocabulary can be a bit weak. So if im causing any confusion, then sorry about that
It would also lower musicians learning curve for all the noobs
edited post to be shorter and clearer… ** strikethroughted unnecessary mentions **
And now i realize that my suggestion would be almost a “noodletrap” in milliseconds system.
Still, there would be a big advanced to make it in milliseconds, as i explain later on…
Or i have just been get used to poor music softwares before.
Should have just posted this under noodletrap discussions