Disable Midi Playback (Midi Output) Latency (Compensating Latency)

Could you please add an option to disable MIDI playback (MIDI output) latency (compensating latency)? (In other words, could you please add an option to make MIDI playback (MIDI output) latency (compensating latency) zero (0ms)?)

(which, I suggest, could be an option specifiable in, perhaps:

O ‘Instrument Settings (panel) - MIDI Properties (section)’ for each instrument


O ‘Track DSPs (panel)’ for each track


O ‘Preferences (dialogue box)’, which would specify the setting globally)

Thank you.

Look at the upper part and look at the “Compensate Latencies” checkbox…
Would it help you here after you have unchecked that box?

I have a hunch this may be related to the MIDI ‘Instrument Type’ set in the Instrument Settings tab:


Changing from ‘ext. MIDI’ to ‘Line-in Ret’ changes how Renoise handles the latency of the MIDI notes sent out to external gear, and can have a pretty dramatic effect on things in my limited experience, especially when your audio buffer latency itself is quite high.

vV and dblue,

Thank you for your replies.

It seems that Renoise applies a delay to MIDI Out signals (but perhaps not to MIDI In signals when the ‘Compensate latencies (record what you hear, not what is played)’ option in the ‘MIDI’ section of the ‘Settings’ dialogue box in Renoise is unchecked) which is a delay whose amount of time, it seems, is the amount of time to which the amount of digital audio latency is set in Renoise in the ‘Audio’ section of the ‘Settings’ dialogue box in Renoise, and which is a delay that I think Renoise applies to MIDI signals in order to synchronize MIDI signals with digital audio signals. I would like the ability to disable this delay for MIDI in Renoise so that recording (sequencencing) MIDI in realtime in Renoise is as timingly accurate as is recording (sequencing) MIDI in realtime in non-[digital-audio], soley MIDI, “dedicated” MIDI sequencers.

I, before I submitted this feature request, tried changing both of the settings that you suggested changing, and after changing those settings Renoise still applied delay to the playback of [MIDI-input]-triggered MIDI instruments which was a delay whose amount of time was, it seems, the amount of time that digital audio latency was set to in Renoise.

However, I have been using Renoise in Mac OS X (versions of 10.5.x - up to 10.5.8) (and I probably will continue to use Renoise in Mac OS X) and I was not using (I have not been using) a hardware MIDI instrument (but I plan to be using a hardware MIDI instrument later this year), but was using, rather, the sample wavetable software synthesizer SimpleSynth using the builtin sample wavetable of Mac OS X (which is a sample wavetable that I presume is constituted of a sample wavetable system file or of sample wavetable system files). I think that this may have something to do with the latency that I am experiencing, because I have experienced other problems with audio on Mac, which are problems that I have experienced with audio on Mac that I have noticed mainly in, and mainly with, Renoise, which has been almost the only audio program that I have been using lately, and which has been the main audio program that I have been using lately, and those problems with audio on Mac that I have experienced are problems that (only on a Macbook Air but not on an iMac) include problems with the built-in sample wavetable DLSMusicDevice audio unit’ of Mac OS X, and (on iMac (but have not used it in Macbook Air)) include problems with Jack (JackOSX), which I have experimented a little bit with (and which I have experimented with only with Renoise, because Renoise has been the only audio program that I have used that has recognized, and that has been recognized by, Jack (Jack OS X)). I think that using a hardware MIDI instrument (and having the ‘Instrument Type’ setting that dblue mentioned set to ext. MIDI) may be the solution to the problem (the MIDI delay) that I am experiencing if the problem (the MIDI delay whose amount of time corresponds to the amount of time that digital audio latency is set to in Renoise) that I am experiencing is being caused by the audio system of Mac (either by the OS, OS X, of Mac or by the hardware of the Mac machines that I use). However, maybe not. I don’t know whether the MIDI delay that I am experiencing (which corresponds to the amount of time that audio latency is set to in Renoise) is being caused by a function that Renoise performs inherently (in all OS systems, in all situations), or whether the MIDI delay that I am experiencing is a problem that is being caused by the audio system of Mac (either by the OS software, OS X, of Mac or by the hardware of the Mac machines that I use).


To clarify,

I use Renoise in Mac OS X.

The software synth, SimpleSynth, that I use with Renoise is a MIDI software synth. The software synth SimpleSynth, which I use with Renoise, is not a plugin. I use SimpleSynth with Renoise via software-to-software MIDI ports.

The amount of delay that I have been experiencing with SimpleSynth changes in correspondence to the amount digital audio latency that I set in Renoise.

I tried using another MIDI software synth with Renoise via software-to-software MIDI ports and I got the same delay with it - delay which changes in correspondence to the amount of digital audio latency that I set in Renoise.

That other MIDI software synth that I used with Renoise via software-to-software MIDI ports is a MS-Windows MIDI software synth that I used using the MS-Windows emulation layer Wine - I think that, therefore, Wine was the actual digital audio software device and MIDI software device, not the MS-Windows MIDI software synth.

I think that if that delay is not applied by Renoise, as a function of Renoise, then the delay may be caused by a bug, or bugs, in the audio system of Mac OS X.
