Do I Become A Scientist? Or Get A 9 To 5 With Renoise Evenings?

Well, hopefully he won’t be ostracized by you or the actual professional scientific community if he does. :expressionless:

I will add the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has helped me get a much greater awareness of myself.
I took it 13 years ago and then again last year and I have changed quite a bit.
Numerous people I have had the chance to converse with that have also took it, displayed similar results.
So yeah, psuedo science or not the work of Carl Jung, is relevant, unless your a devote scientologist i guess.

Hah! Yeah, truly the Fox News of neuroscience! All due respect to Sperry and Ornstein though, I think it holds to a certain degree but is a generalisation.
I’m actually going to graduate with a genetics degree. Postgraduate/workaday job future is what I’m shaky about.
Actually my project is in developmental neurogenetics.

I don’t think the MBTI test could do me much harm though.