So I’ve been thinking for a while now about the best way to break out of the traditional release cycle and try something new. The best way to start seems to be to bring my existing skills together for one short song, released for free in both .mp3 and .flac formats accompanied by artwork and a music video. Like the previous EP, I’ll be creating videos as I go along, though this time more frequent and broad in content.
What will make this different though are the free downloadable extras:
The multi-track audio files, in much the same way that NIN has been doing. You can load them in to your preferred music package and remix/use them however you wish.
The original Renoise .xrns file. The entire song will be created, mixed and mastered in Renoise, so you will have full access to every single aspect of the music.
Next, all of the art, photo and movie assets used to create the artwork and video will be available for download, including any Photoshop files.
Finally, the After Effects project file used to the create the video, controlling all of the effects, assets, camera moves etc. Like the music, you will be free to alter/remix this however you wish. Loading the .aep file will, of course, require you to have a copy of After Effects.