Does Renoise offer as much as Aodix yet?

I’ve already posted up a video showing one problem I have with the Pattern Matrix, I’ve already posted up videos showing how much faster and easier the Buzz Sequence Editor is, nobody posted up a video to show me I was wrong and that the Pattern Matrix is anywhere near as easy to use.

So Blue Arp and Catanya don’t exist, and aren’t wanted by thousands of musicians? Nice try.
In other words, if Renoise doesn’t offer it already, it can’t be worth having! Hilarious.

Strawman argument. You can’t stand people THINKING, can you LWPSS…

“trolling”… The standard word used by thick people who are terrified of intelligent people questioning things…

You need to learn how to read things on a screen without losing your rag all the time… You also need to get a life. Renoise isn’t my life, neither is Buzz, neither is FL Studio. Unfortunately, because for some saddoes it IS their life, we can’t even DISCUSS potential improvements. Even discussing things is apparently “demanding” and being “rude”… LOL.

Don’t think this thread leads anywhere. Closing…