Hi, I have large library of samples in iff format.
Its my personal, collected for ages so I was very upset when I found
that renouse don’t want to load them. Can it be solved? Maybe I need to write it in the ‘features request’ forum? Why iff? Its looped, it supprted by large number of trackers, including ft2,it, various trackers on Amiga.
If its not in a plans, then maybe someone can recomend me some utility for converting iff to X where X is any file format, aceptable by renoise,sorry for such SQL style :). I will be very gratefull. If utility is fili-to-file only & it is command line, then its ok, Recursive caller I can write by my self.
So, thats my story…
Try the one at the bottom http://popsiclepete.solsector.net/files.htm
or use google http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=…rt+.iff+to+.wav
Awave is a great tool for converting, and covers pretty much any file format.
well, utility at http://popsiclepete.solsector.net/files.htm doesn’t recognise my iff’s as correct wave! ft2 and it does… awave opens iff incorectly, its mutes looped part of the sample! so, all my perfect strings are actually unusefull!
I don’t know if there are freeware sample editors that can do batch processing of your files … Anyone?
I found iff audio file description and after looking on ft2 iffs in hex, found that its actually different format. I tryed to search ft2 iff describtion, but without success. And its smells ****. Maybe someone knows, where to get such documentation?
Have a look at www.wotsit.org having description for many many file formats. After a quick search i didn’t find IFF but it’s probably there somewhere (?).