Donation of license to non-profit organizations

Hello guys, it’s been a while. :)

For those of you who know me, I’ve moved around and produced a couple of kids since last time, but not much music I’m afraid. But on to the issue of the day.

Here in Bergen, Norway, we have a rather neat library with a studio for hire. Well, that’s a lie, since anybody can lend the studio with equipment for free. Just book the time you need in advance. I’m afraid their website is only in norwegian, but you get the idea from the lists and the calendar. Link:

So I booked a room and asked if they would be interested in Renoise, and the day after I got an email from one of the administrators that they’d already installed the demo on their Mac, and that I’m welcome to install the Win/Linux-version to my delight. I don’t know what kind of budget they have, so I mentioned that I might be able to get a license for them. So this is where I ask you guys what you think.

Remember that Bergen produced guys like Röyksopp, Bjørn Torske, Datarock, Annie, Erlend Øye, etc. Maybe the next Edvard Grieg will find Renoise on the library and be inspired. :D

I wish we had those over here

Yeah, we’re really fortunate! I’m heading over there today to check out the premises and talk to the manager. Really looking forward to it!

By the way, if donation of a license from Renoise devs themselves is out of the question, how would managing a license on a computer used by many different people daily work out in any case? It’s been discussed before and the way I understand the license it’s bound to one person, not one computer.

surely you could fundraise 58 euro? I feel like I would donate some money towards this just because it sounds so nice. Studio in a library is dreamy!

I don’t know about donations. But as far as per computer licences, you should contact Renoise support email directly. IIRC there has been those per seat licences made before for companies.

I swear there was a thread once upon a time from somebody wanting to install Renoise in a studio so it can be used by people hiring time in there, where a similar question came up over the “single-user” licence scheme. I can’t find it now though, using either the forum search or Google. But as Suva says you best bet is probably to contact Support directly.

If I understand it Windows should be less of a worry as the installer is different to the application once installed but with OSX and Linux you actually run the application file and can move it from computer to computer and thus it’s harder to prevent people from stealing an executable program file. Is that correct??