Hi Dev-Team,
let me first say: the new possibilities in Renoise 2.5 are absolutely awesome and i love to see features that i wished since the “most wanted features”-poll some years ago… You guys did a great job!
Regarding the new Midi Mapping possibilities there is something i don’t understand:
If i map a button, for example the “repeat current pattern only” button (next to the play button) to a push button on my BCR2000 midi controller device, the following behaviour occurs:
With BCR2000 toggle option set to off, one click on the push button activates the button in renoise, another click again deactivates it.
With BCR2000 toggle option set to on, the first click on the push button activates the button in renoise, the second does nothing, the third deactivates it and the fourth does nothing again, and so on…
It would make much more sense if the renoise mapping not only reacts on a “on-pulse” but allows the definition of an on- and an off-value (for example midi cc 01 on chan 01 with val 0 for off and val 127 for on).
Furthermore if i remember correctly, using mappings on sliders one can swap the Min and Max value sliders to reverse the mapping (results in midi cc val 0 for the maximum and val 127 for the minimum slider value in renoise). This can’t be done with buttons because the min/max sliders are disabled while mapping renoise buttons.
Is it possible to enhance this while renoise is in beta stage?
Greets and thanks for your answer…