Double the Groove!

How about an option on the groove settings to space 0 & 1, 1 & 2, etc by X rows to give wider groove control. I am finding that to take maximum advantage of groove settings I have to put my hihat on every row and then tweak the groove til I get it right. Doing this does not leave much room for notes and changes between rows/beats even with note retriggers. I usually space my hihats by atleast 1 row, sometimes 3. Any thoughts or solutions for more groove? :blink:


I vote for this one also. For now I make do with the tempo/speed command as I was used to do in FT2. The funny part is that the songs where I would like to use the groove setting tend to be fast, tight, busy tunes, for which I also need the extra resolution of an “expanded” track, which makes it impossible to use the groove setting.

I am also using the speed and tempo commands as a temporary solution. Renoise most likely has more pressing things to fix or add but this would be a nice enhancement to an already great feature. Its much more convenient to adjust the groove settings rather than alter speed and tempo commands for every pattern. :D
