Downnnnnnlooaddd Speeed

Huge bummer renoise is taking 1 Hour + to download. I’m so inspired to rock a beat but my dumb ass forgot to update the Beta in time…

Just wanted to vent.

i guess you should tell that to your internet provider, in eastern europe its taking 1 walk outside to have a smoke, and thats about it :)

Actual download speed is 40-50 KB/s, renoise im pulling 3…7…1…8…0…0…0…1…4…2…7… etc…

Edit: that should be 40-50 MB/s… and i was pulling <10kb/s

800-900 kb/s here - even using neighbours wifi

40/50KB/s is still quite slow… (compared to my 4/5MB /s)
But i really suspect this has something to do with either your provider or the exchange that is connecting your country’s backbone to the rest of the world

“but my dumb ass forgot to update the Beta in time…”

well maybe you shouldn’t be such a dummyface :P

hey buddy!

Wow, someone is still using dial-up!

Actually I noticed that the download speed was kinda low when I DL:ed the latest beta, but not even remotely that low. As vV said: about 4-5 Mb/s (when I can go up to 10).

even in the third world country where I live (Italy), Renoise is downloaded in some minutes (500-600KB/s)

Are the samples/instruments that come with the Renoise 3 install updated yet (get rid of redundancy/convert high-to low bitrates)? Could help the poor lad ;)

By comparison, it was 1900kb/s tonight – was just an off day the other day I spoze :D

I typoed above, my actual speed is usually 40/50MB/s not KB/s

my renoise dl took from

Yesterday, ‎18. ‎März ‎2014, ‏‎21:53:53
‎Yesterday, ‎18. ‎März ‎2014, ‏‎22:31:20

so my dl speed was 533 kbit/s says my dl speed is 10083 kbit/s