Drag-drop Renoise-to-renoise

I have been doing a Renoise vs. Renoise live play for the last hour.

And man did I need to drag-drop whole tracks from one window to the other quite a few times…

It would be ace to have been able to simply drop a instrument/track/pattern from a whole other song into the current one, then it’s queued up, tempo pre-matched, none of this manual micro-synching one window with the other and hoping they line up etc.

I’m sure there’s other uses… like you’re on a roll composing, you’re in the moment and, “I need to plug in that wicked bass line from last week right here, now” alt-tab to renoise, double click last week’s song, grab the whole bass track by the title and drop it in your comp.

It paves some of the road to “clip-level” composing I think, and it would be way quicker to code.

(…while I’m on about such things, a snap-to-edit-size toggle for making/dragging/dropping selections would be a healthy addition…)