Is it possible to do something like this with Redux?
Is it possible to do something like this with Redux?
Sure - assuming that what you’re dragging is a reference to the file itself, this should work in any host.
I don’t currently have Reaper installed but perhaps someone who does can confirm this?
Sure - assuming that what you’re dragging is a reference to the file itself, this should work in any host.
I don’t currently have Reaper installed but perhaps someone who does can confirm this?
But i can’t. I use command for this and nothing happens… Also this don’t work in Bitwig too, for example. I can drag from Reaper’s Media Explorer and Bitwig’s browser but from arrange section i can’t do it.
I use command in Reaper (like on video): Mouse Modifiers → Media Item → Left Drag → Render Item To New File. Also it don’t work if i try to drag file from arrange without any selection.
So i checked standard sampler in Reaper (ReaSamplOmatic) with this Drag And Drop function and it’s works fine. Anybody can check it with Redux too?
I don’t own Reaper but i gave it a go in Tracktion 7 and Ableton Live 9. In Tracktion it does not work at all, since the sample clip dragging is restricted to inside the arrangement area by the host. Redux is not seen as a drop target. In Live it works fine for me with a small difference, it will copy the whole sample clip instead of just the selection which is probably auto cut in Reaper to the selection borders. If you do cut yourself the bits you want in Live and then drag it, it works.
Thank you, mate! But i still can’t understand why it works in Reaper with other sampler and do not works with Redux.
Gave it a go in the Reaper demo, but it’s not working either for me here. Tried it with bridge disabled also, let the plugin have it’s own window floating etc, no joy. I don’t know if there is any more settings worth looking at. Maybe someone who knows Reaper better has an idea.
Thank mate! Hope DEVs will tell about possible variations. On Reaper’s forum pure silence about this situation.
Answer from Reaper’s developers:
When you drag from the media explorer or finder/desktop, you are dragging an existing file on disk. When you drag from the arrange view, you are dragging what macOS calls a “promised file”, which is a file that does not yet exist but if the receiver says it can handle it, will be created. Apparently this plugin does not handle promised files.
If it works to drag files from the arrange view in some other program, that other program is probably delivering the entire file as it exists on disk, rather than what REAPER does which is to render it out to a new file at the project sample rate, to the project recording format, within the time selection if any, etc.
So Redux can’t handle this type of files in Mac OS?
Thank you, mate! But i still can’t understand why it works in Reaper with other sampler and do not works with Redux.
If I remember it correctly some plugins support the drag and drop feature in Reaper, and others don’t. That was my experience long time before Redux was released. But I regard it as normal, that different configurations have different limitations that we have to work around. And tools have certain limitations, but essentially they simplify your workflow - otherwise we would not regard them as a tool, or maybe we chose the wrong tool for the task. Of course, the Cockos ReaSamplomatic plugin should support their own features by default.
I just tried it for you with Redux and with another Sampler plugin: With One Small Clue’s Poise Percussion Sampler dragging with [ctrl]+[alt] works as you expected. I guess, what Reaper offers here is some extra luxury, that is not standardized for all Plugins and DAWs.
Then I tried it in Redux - et voilà! - works perfectly fine as well.
When I dragged and dropped the sample (with [ctrl]+[alt]) to the Redux editor window I got the “Audio file import options” window, and after importing, everything seems to work perfectly fine.
But there seems to be a difference between Windows and Mac. See this old thread about the same issue with Battery3:
Basically, it seems to be a known limitation, but you could try the workaround that the user jnif suggests. If you read the whole thread in the Cockos forum you will see that Mac user’s seem not to be able to do it without problems.
Btw. some interesting stuff in your Bandcamp, did you make it with Renoise?
Answer from Reaper’s developer:
When you drag from the media explorer or finder/desktop, you are dragging an existing file on disk. When you drag from the arrange view, you are dragging what macOS calls a “promised file”, which is a file that does not yet exist but if the receiver says it can handle it, will be created. Apparently this plugin does not handle promised files.
If it works to drag files from the arrange view in some other program, that other program is probably delivering the entire file as it exists on disk, rather than what REAPER does which is to render it out to a new file at the project sample rate, in the project recording format, within the time selection if any, etc.
So problem in Redux or Reaper?
Actually, I do not know…
new to redux as a reaper user.
Drag and drop actually works