Drawing A Retrigger For Ultimate Snarerushes?

im wondering since some time how i could achieve a full-control sample retriggering. my goal is to draw retrigger rate in an automation curve. id also like to draw pitch and pan curves aswell. i just dont figure how to do it…

the goal is to achieve drum fills like in this wonderful, all-time classic, track (hear what i say @2:28) :
evol intent-7 angels with 7 plagues

You could just set looppoints (forward) with a copied snare sample. Pitch curves are not (yet?) possible with the default DSP effects but something as AWP pitch could do that trick. Pan curves are easy to draw in the automation tab.

Uh, at 2:28 in that song, it’s retriggering at a consistent rate and just going from soft to loud…

When wanting to do retrigger with pitch you can either try to combine the Ex pan/vol command with a slide effect, or simply retrigger using more notecolumns raise the note on each column in the same row and serialize the trigger using delay values in the delay column and fx notecuts in the pan column.
With volumes, do the same, using the same note but change the volume value. (There is a volume retrigger command as well btw)

:) thanks! the idea about delays can have nice results imo! sadly, im stil trying to understand thsi “serialize the trigger using delay values in the delay column and fx notecuts in the pan column.” its still a feature i have difficulties to grasp! ill try using a simple delay dsp in the track, i think it can do the job…