Drone ambient albumn based on renoise ringmods

Hi All,

So I run my own netlabel trying to finish material made only with Renoise and release various types of music made with Renoise.

In this case a few pieces using Renoise ringmods, LFOs and delay effects, There are no softsynths in these mods, just native Renoise.

It’s known as the Cymatics EP because I tried to envision what these kind of things would look like on a Chladni plate but I don’t own one…


Cymatics EP | Infinitevortex Records (bandcamp.com)](Cymatics EP | Infinitevortex Records)

Take a listen, let me know what you think of it…


Very nice!
I think Lorentz flux triangle is my favorite.
Would love to peep an xrns if you’d care to share. I’m quite interested in exploring native dsp based synthesis myself, and it would be fun to see how you’re coaxing these tones out

Cool thanks! unfortunately I can’t give you Lorentz flux triangle as it changed since that version was recorded, but here is the link to an xrns with the same idea, it is a precursor or successor to the lorentz flux triangle style…

the idea is harmonics based on regular intervals and scale variants in hz, I use the old version of the Renoise ringmod without the note-snapping…

here is a handy list of harmonics based on various scale basis… Frequencies of Musical Notes, A4 = 432 Hz (mtu.edu)

The idea is to stack ringmods that either harmonize or modulate the other ringmods, chorus, delay and LFO modulations can create drone compositions… pretty straight forward, bit of thought can get something sounding quite profound on occasion…


very nice. interesting approach for sure! I never considered using the line in > dc offset > processing for ambient/drone composition. this definitely opens some interesting doors for me conceptually, especially in terms of live ambient performance, which I would like to do more of. Reminds me of ongaku, but all within renoise. I imagine you have some issues taming signal amplitude/feedback from time to time, lol.

this is very cool stuff. I thank you for sharing :slight_smile:

thanks, yeah it’s part of the renoise tutorials, should be well known…

the dc offset does indeed manage the amplitude of the ringmod signal, but also the ringmod amount and phase have very pronounced effects… cool, thanks for taking interest :slight_smile: cheers…

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I knew about dc>xmod, but never thought to use the line in for a sustained signal. dope to have such easy native dronezz… and yes, I definitely never went through all the tutorials :upside_down_face:

it’s really my favourite thing to do in renoise, and yeah i also didn’t… just that one stuck with me when i saw it… can’t think of any upmarket DAWs that can do that… :sunglasses: it’s really cool, never-ending dronez, now all i need is a chladni plate…

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Dude, yes. Make, buy, beg or borrow… And definitely upload some video if you do!
Hans Jenny’s book is on my shelf :slight_smile:

Had some fun exploring this concept this afternoon. Midi mapped some params and played live. Good fun. Love the organic, evolving soundscapes…

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i have a youtube vid version of one of those i should just upload it… will do it in the morning… in the meantime here is another youtube vid of another track made in renoise… bit of psy tech trance…

Lunar Pyramid - YouTube

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