As the topic description states, there should be a dry/wet fader as well. At this moment there’s a Mute source (dry 0%, wet 100%), keep source (100%, 100%), and amount (how much is sent to the send). The problem with this is that if you keep the source and occasionally punch into the send, you get louder moments because both the dry and wet are played on top of each other. You should be able to fade between dry (track 03 for ex) and the wet (s02 for ex).
as it is, you only add dB of send signal - and of course there is workaround but why ?
it would be nice to have dry/wet % wise, when 100% dry = 100% of original signal and 0 % send signal
and 100% wet = 0% original signal and 100% send signal
It depends, if you touch the pre-fader with pattern effect commands or automation you could either twist them to your benefit (balancing the wet/dry signal) or to your inconvenience (you desire a fixed dry/wet mix)
Ofcourse you could also use the post-fader but then again, you can’t control the post fader from inside the song.
And it is only an answer to the question if a workaround exists. Nothing more.