GridPie of Duplex works with Launchpad X now🥧
I am developping other configuration and something, just a moment, please.
If you use Launchpad X on Mac or Linux, please inform me its MIDI Port In and Out names (it has two names). Launchpad X can switch Session mode and Standalone mode on itself, so it has two MIDI Interfaces.
Now I set like this (but, I dont know it is right)
local p = os.platform()
LaunchpadX.device_properties_default = {
class_name = "LaunchpadX",
display_name = "Launchpad X",
device_port_in = ((p == "WINDOWS" and "MIDIIN2 (LPX MIDI)") or (p == "MACINTOSH" and "Launchpad X LPX MIDI In") or (p == "LINUX" and "Launchpad X MIDI 2")),
device_port_out = ((p == "WINDOWS" and "MIDIOUT2 (LPX MIDI)") or (p == "MACINTOSH" and "Launchpad X LPX MIDI Out") or (p == "LINUX" and "Launchpad X MIDI 2")),
LaunchpadX.daw_device_properties_default = {
class_name = "LaunchpadX",
display_name = "Launchpad X (DAW)",
device_port_in = ((p == "WINDOWS" and "LPX MIDI") or (p == "MACINTOSH" and "Launchpad X LPX DAW In") or (p == "LINUX" and "Launchpad X")),
device_port_out = ((p == "WINDOWS" and "LPX MIDI") or (p == "MACINTOSH" and "Launchpad X LPX DAW Out") or (p == "LINUX" and "Launchpad X")),