[Duplex] Keyboard receive and send wrong notes from MIDI

I use Renoise 3.2.1 with Duplex and try to use the Launchpad X controller. I check any type of Devices and Configurations inside Duplex, and all of it is working strange - f.e, i push upper left pad on controller - it number is 81 (and i seen this when dump MIDI over aseqdump), Renoise seen this as A-6, Duplex triggered as D-5. And other pads and buttons also “not in right place”, like pads on controller are mixed randomly (but they are not - in Renoise and MIDI dump by OS it’s follow one by one). Also, changing a count of keys on Keyboard device (throught configfiles) also change this layouts and mappings. Why?! And how i can manualy “tell” Duplex what and where keys (pads) placed?
Thanks a lot for any suggestions!