Duplex Keyboard

I have a couple questions about this tool/

  1. I found the option self.flip_octaves in the layouts. This works great for the harmonic and isomorphic layout. When I flip the octaves on the Piano however, the actual keys get flipped along with the octaves. i.e. the black keys are on the bottom and white keys on the top. Is this intentional?

  2. Is there a way to make the keys light up based on the pattern you have selected? Say I have a Launchpad, and the current selected track has notes in it, is there a way to highlight the keys of the notes that are playing on the launchpad? or does the device only work for input?

I have a couple questions

  1. Black/white keys being flipped, hm yes that could be seen as an oversight. I never use that particular layout myself :smiley:

  2. No, but I could see how very useful this could be.The implementation would need a few milliseconds latency, but as itā€™s a visualization only this should be no big deal.
    Perhaps, when I get the time to bring back keyzone visualization I could take a look at this as well.

  1. Black/white keys being flipped, hm yes that could be seen as an oversight. I never use that particular layout myself :smiley:

for anyone wondering, this is a pretty simple fix. In line 70 of PianoLayout.lua inside Duplex > Applications > Keyboard > Layouts change this

if self.flip_octaves then
    row = (self.kb.grid_w - row) + 1

to this

if self.flip_octaves then
    local row_offset = (row%2==0) and 1 or -1
    row = (self.kb.grid_w - row) + 1 + row_offset

@dplduffy: great you sorted this out.

Iā€™ll certainly include this in the next update. Thanks!

Oops, overlooked this. Yes, you are right - and youā€™re not the first one to notice.

Later versions of Keyboard emphasize the dynamic layouts (isomorphic, chromatic etc.) over keyzone visualization.

I will see what I can do about this, perhaps toggling the visualization would make sense.

Hey, danoise! Howā€™s the solution for this issue looking so far? :wink: Itā€™s been 0.75 years. :slight_smile:

Still sitting on my harddrive and getting a little dusty. :blush:

Yeah, I know, Duplex hasnā€™t gotten as much love lately as it deservesā€¦

But - I have an small update lined up for middle of january anyway, so Iā€™ll include the option to visualize keyzones as well.

Can it haz highres recording?

But - I have an small update lined up for middle of january anyway, so Iā€™ll include the option to visualize keyzones as well.

knock knock :slight_smile:

@danoise When is the update coming?

Hey - sry, been super busy lately. But hopefully not for more than a couple of weeks.

Oh, and I need to drink some more Ingwertee :slight_smile:

Iā€™m actually looking very much forward to fiddling with Duplex again!

Okay, thanks for the status update! :slight_smile: