Duplex tool and nanokontrol2

hello i meet some problems with my korg nanocontrol2 and duplex tool i could control live the volume play etc but if i want to record the automation it crash and send me this message

‘/home/ju/.config/Renoise/V3.4.3/Scripts/Tools/com.renoise.Duplex.xrnx/main.lua’ failed in one of its notifiers.
The notifier will be disabled to prevent further errors.

Please contact the author (danoise [bjorn.nesby@googlemail.com]) for assistance…

./xLib/classes/xAutomation.lua:114: variable ‘xStreamPos’ is not declared
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘_error’
[string “local mt = getmetatable(_G)…”]:29: in function <[string “local mt = getmetatable(_G)…”]:24>
./xLib/classes/xAutomation.lua:114: in function ‘record’
./Duplex/Applications/Mixer.lua:1079: in function ‘_set_volume’
./Duplex/Applications/Mixer.lua:764: in function ‘on_change’
./Duplex/UISlider.lua:723: in function <./Duplex/UISlider.lua:720>
(tail call): ?
./Duplex/UISlider.lua:368: in function <./Duplex/UISlider.lua:195>
(tail call): ?
./Duplex/MessageStream.lua:392: in function ‘_handle_or_pass’
./Duplex/MessageStream.lua:167: in function ‘_process_fader_message’
./Duplex/MessageStream.lua:139: in function ‘?’
./Duplex/MessageStream.lua:146: in function ‘input_message’
./Duplex/Device.lua:582: in function ‘_send_message’
./Duplex/MidiDevice.lua:612: in function ‘build_message’
./Duplex/MidiDevice.lua:555: in function <./Duplex/MidiDevice.lua:202>