Duplicate Track


I have a synth lead using a VSTi (or sample, doesnt matter) on one track. I want to duplicated this, including the instrument, the notes, the automation etc, onto a new track, so that I can easily double it with a new sound. I know I can duplicated tracks with most of the info, but it does not take into consideration that I also want to duplicate with a new instrument. Right now I have to change instrument and change the instrument number manually in the track. Lots of work considering I do this perhaps 30 times in one track.


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Duplicate your track and pattern data as usual, via the Pattern Editor context menu: Track > Clone (incl. Patterns)

(Mapped to [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [D] by default)

Now open up the Advanced Edit panel in the upper right corner of the Pattern Editor.

Select “Track in Song”, then use the Swap function in the Instruments section.

3285 renoise-advedit-swap-instrument.png

Quick and painless :)

As dblue said.

And even faster if you use this tool by Ledger:

i think what you’re looking for is a script solution for this, where one script 1) duplicates current instrument 2) inserts new track 3) copies current_track_note content to new_track 4) selects the new track.
maybe even one keyboard shortcut to do this. is this somewhat correct?
and maybe also selects the new track’s note content so you can transpose it directly with cmd-q / cmd-a for octave transposition, and maybe also opens up the external editor (if available) for the softsynth which’s notes you want duplicated in one fell swoop.

yes, this is pretty close. in short, i want duplicate to work as dupclicate. press button once, and voilla i have a new track with the EXACT same settings, except for that the synth is opened in a new instrument slot, and the pattern data is reflected in this. the current synth or instrument i am duplicating should also be in the same exact preset, and the same exact plugins on the DSP panel should be there as well.

i know about all the adavanced stuff you can do… but it would be nice if you could oneclick (or shortcut) to dupclicate a track :)

ok, you said pretty close to my description - so, what did i miss?
yeah, there’s always a “click around with mouse button” type solution but i for one would def go for a shortcut that duplicates current track dsp content, current track note content, current track instrument with one swoop. im just trying to see exactly what you’re looking for, and for now it doesn’t seem to match with what i comprehended your requirement to be…

i think you missed the fact that i want the VSTi to be duplicated as well, in its exact same setting as on the track that we are duplicating. for those who use ableton live, if you duplicate a track there, it will do exactly as i wish renoise did :)

edit: doh… you did say this :) sorry mate!

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hi, i added this as a ticket to my Paketti GitHub. I think this is something I want to eventually get done. And it should be fairly simple to do. Gonna be interesting to see how easy this is to do.