Eastenders Tune - Compo Headsup


For those interested :)

terms and conditions:
“This competition is open to music amateurs who are over 18 and UK residents. Music amateur will mean someone who is not a professional musician or earns a living from music.”

NB: “Entries must be received no later than 1pm on 30th November 2009”

The winning entry was a really dull and obvious DnB take.

The guidelines of the compo said try and avoid using the main piano hook and do something different with it.

So the winning entry used the piano unchanged. Inspirational :rolleyes:

I think they wanted to reflect how bad and unorignal the actual programme is ;)

does anyone outside of england actually watch Eastenders?

Probably not, it’s shit.

yes. it is

It’s worrying that people in england watch it and I could only stand 1 minuet of E20 .

Then again we do have home and away watchers over here …

PFFFF and neighbours!