Hey folks !
Even more easy than easy.
What’s new ?
- 4 Formants Filter Bands instead of 3, and everything is still packed a just 1 chain
- Virtual Keyboard Based Formants Control (thanx Bit_Arts for the tip)
- Formants Feedback control
- Auto Q
- Auto Bot Voice
- fixed RExciter ™ position
- replaced the detuned wobble sample by a more typical chipsound
How to install it in my own song ?
Right-click somewhere on the Track DSP chain. - Select Device Chain => Save As… - Select your target directory and give a name to the chain. - It must have the .XRNT file extention. - Then when you edit your song, right click somewhere on your Track DSP tab. - Select Device Chain => Load… - Find your .XRNT file, load it. - That’s all.
How to modify Formants ? -
Formants here are “Keyboard Controled”. - Use the C-0 to C-2 Keys to modify formants. - Go into the Sample Keyzones. - Modify your Sample Layer so that it doesn’t use notes from C-0 to C-2. - By this way you’ll be able to both play your sample & control the filter in the same track.
How exactly did you placed formants on the low notes ? -
Formants are composed of 5 cycles of 5 ‘aeiou’ vowels.
Inertial Sliders(Secret *Formula Device Powered) Trick
Still featured in the www.refra.frfrench portal.
have fun with Renoise !