Inertial Slider

Here is a first idea that can be both useful and a starting point for other examples (S&H): the Inertial Slider.

Be careful this is only possible in 2.8:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<filterdeviceclipboard doc_version="0"><br>
  <deviceslot type="FormulaMetaDevice"><br>
    <customdevicename>Inertial Slider</customdevicename><br>
      <formulaparagraph>OUTPUT - (OUTPUT - A) * power_inertia(B, 0.025, 0.5)</formulaparagraph><br>
      <functionsparagraph>function power_inertia(inertia, min, max)</functionsparagraph><br>
      <functionsparagraph> inertia = 1.0 - inertia</functionsparagraph><br>
      <functionsparagraph> inertia = inertia * inertia * inertia</functionsparagraph><br>
      <functionsparagraph> return min + inertia * (max - min)</functionsparagraph><br>
      <visualization>Device only</visualization><br>
      <visualization>Device only</visualization><br>
      <visualization>Device only</visualization><br>
      <visualization>Device only</visualization><br>
      <visualization>Device only</visualization><br>
      <visualization>Device only</visualization><br>
1 Like

Nice one! :drummer:

Keep’em coming

Could something like a mass spring also be emulated with the formula device? (input a pulse and output a decaying sinusoidal like control signal)

Awsome! Finnaly :)

Clever stuff, nice one :)

Fuck yeah! :D


Brilliant! I’ve been wanting to use something like this for years! :D

You just described how inertia works in the context of oscillating waves. So I thinks answer to your question would be ‘yes’.

Make me a “Wobble Slider”, pronto.

well done! Already using this :)

Any change we could get Formula Device to current version? There could be option in preferences for example "enable alpha and deprecated devices).

Totally awesome … since when does a FormulaMetaDevice exist ?



only saw this now… this is so great i almost shit myself.
thanks a billion times for this Kraken/Gore!

#1 invention with Formula

Very cool! :yeah:

Just found this…this is really amazing, especially when used with an LFO. A lot easier than trying to set up and fiddle with an LFO chain to achieve the same thing, too.

Using this quite a bit lately and just wanted to say thank you!