Easy To Implement Zoom?

I sometimes feel the need to be able to zoom out more, and after reading the trackgroup thread I thought that it should be easy to implement a zoom out by creating a smaller pattern font!

(The functionallity seam to allready be there, just try to change between big and small pattern font).

The smallest pattern font now is 6x7, it is possible and easy to also make a pattern font that is only 3x5 (because there is no M or W or q in the patternfont :)).

Then we would have three different fontsizes, the only thing that is needed then is a shortcut for swapping between the fontsizes.

A good one would be alt or shift+mousewheel.

Ofcourse if there someday is a “real” zoom, the shortcut could be used by that zoom instead. But untill that day I think this would be very nice to have.

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yes… a zoom in/out function would be a great improvement…

YAY… I JUST MADE POST NR 100 !! i’m a big boy now

Maybe i am just missing how to do it, but having it would be great!

if you’re on mac, you can use accessibility/zoom feature. It works :smiley:

Definitely agree, but also extend this to the sample editor esp with the 0SXX values since OS specific magnifier apps oftentimes distort the text and make it even harder to see.
I’m saying this as a visually impaired person.
Also made implement a wider/thicker font (global?) so it’d be easier to see, because sometimes the "huge* font in the GUI settings sometimes isn’t enough.
Cheers :clinking_glasses:!