Electro Multiband Compressor

Too be honest I was too lazy to look if anyone already did something similar.

Here’s a native setup for an electro multi-band compressor.

Params :

Hydra, Hydra(1) & Hydra(2) on track EMBC define split frequencies (3 splits = 4 Bands).

Hydra(3): Compression Ratio
Hydra(4): Makeup
Hydra(5): Electro Sensivity

Within Hydra(3)-(5) you can define band related settings for each compressor (Min & Max values).
Release times for compression have to be set within the signal follower (Dest. Max).

Sounds quiet nice, I think.

Download: Electro MultiBand Compressor v0.8

Enjoy and have fun with it!


Wooow … this is also great :panic:

I hope you make someday a tutorial (step by step) how to create a simple 3 vco synth with the native tools.


Hey, thanks for sharing your knowledge and showing us what’s possible using Renoise native effects only! It’s especially helpful for me since I’m a Renoise noob. Also, I like to keep my projects as portable as possible.

That said, there seems to be a click when the compressor gets switched on during playing, am I right? It’s hardly an issue though, most of the time you don’t wanna automate enabling/disabling a compressor. But I still wonder why.

[edit]It also happens when changing the compression ratio instantaneously[/edit]

@ noisebeuter

i think this is to show the the difference between the dry and wet

The click is a logical thing, because the amplitude of the signal (actually 4 signals) changes instantly. In addition there’s the attack time of 4 compressors. Will happen with any other compressor. Won’t happen if you do the switch while there’s no signal (which would be normal).



Of course! I get it now.

Sorry, cleaned and moved some server DIRs and deleted the RAR instead the XRNS. Download link fixed. Sorry again.