Hydra(3): Compression Ratio
Hydra(4): Makeup
Hydra(5): Electro Sensivity
Within Hydra(3)-(5) you can define band related settings for each compressor (Min & Max values).
Release times for compression have to be set within the signal follower (Dest. Max).
Hey, thanks for sharing your knowledge and showing us what’s possible using Renoise native effects only! It’s especially helpful for me since I’m a Renoise noob. Also, I like to keep my projects as portable as possible.
That said, there seems to be a click when the compressor gets switched on during playing, am I right? It’s hardly an issue though, most of the time you don’t wanna automate enabling/disabling a compressor. But I still wonder why.
[edit]It also happens when changing the compression ratio instantaneously[/edit]
The click is a logical thing, because the amplitude of the signal (actually 4 signals) changes instantly. In addition there’s the attack time of 4 compressors. Will happen with any other compressor. Won’t happen if you do the switch while there’s no signal (which would be normal).