Electronic Music Documentaries On Youtube

Modulations “cinema for the ear” - talks about Jungle music, Detroit Techno, etc.


Synth Brittania - this is a history of Synthpop in the late 70’s and early 80’s, Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, OMD, KRafwerk, Human League… I love thissss.


anything else?

Notes on breakcore


(the other parts are on youtube too)

thanks… I’ll watch it tonight…

Damn you I was going to post that, its the first thing that came into my mind. Really fun to watch. Also a tad inspiring.

Kraftwerk and the Electronic Revolution.

History of House Music.

High Tech Soul - The Creation of Techno.


I’m a sucker for documentaries especially the things I’m interested in… Thanks I’ll watch tonight… I love Kraftwerk…

I watched the Breakcore doc, not my cup of tea… I do however appreciate the enthusiasm, the movement, the experimentation, the ppl.

Metal Machine Music: Nine Inch Nails and the Industrial Uprising

Part 1:

Pump Up The Volume has always been a favourite of mine :)
Superb stuff.

The Alchemists of Sound - 2003 documentary on the BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Whole thing on googlevids -not currently working but it might later:

Parts 1-6 in playlist:


Parts 1-6 seperated:






I love this one, I fell in love with Delia Derbyshire after seeing this.

I can’t wait to watch this… It’s inspiring…

I’m really enjoying the KRaftwerk doc… I haven’t finished yet because it’s 3 hrs l.o.l. Interesting how their parents was part of the new order.

What the Future Sounded Like - Documentary about the the people of EMS (Electronic Music Studios)

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtktHPCoYgw
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msK7wL3Vr3s
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlHtp3Nw9Mo

the KRaftwerk doc has been very educational for me because I mostly listen to electronic music. MLON, I owe you one, you don’t understand…

I discovered

Tangerine Dream - Zeit, Phaedra, Atem… I’m not used to it but .

Yellow Magic Orchestra -

Bowie and Eno - Low, Heroes, Lodger

Giorgio Moroder - Midnight Express.

Very educational.

Excellent thread!

Brian Eno - Imaginary Landscapes (watch the speakers, loud and not that good sound)

that Kraftwerk documentary is a must see if your doing electronic music… I don’t quite understand the experimental stuff yet(especially when there is no melody and just noise but I appreciate it soo much)… That documentary is a portal to me because all I did today was download bands like Yellow Magic ORchestra, Karl Bartos, Eno, Bowie, etc… I was born in 74 but really discovered electronic music like Depeche in 85… It’s nice to know the history of it… No wonder Depeche Mode is big in Germany.

Short dubstep doc: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHaCSMJfGUA

here are two cool documentary about




Darkbeat: An Electro World

A rare doc about Jungle music

A London Something Dis