Endless Darkness by Divine Electronics

My latest track made with Renoise. This is mostly driven by Surge VST and, even more importantly, the Virus TI emulator by the Usual Suspects. No hardware this time, I think.

Renoise-wise, I mostly used some favourite sequencing tricks that I’ve been using since 1998 on Fast Tracker2… well, we didn’t have convolvers back then, nor fx chains… eh forget I ever said anything


I like that you’ve managed a 10 minute song, in which you’re obviously talking about our near future, to not being boring. I just think that you could improve the balance. The hats are too loud and the synths and basses are too soft in comparison with the drums (through speakers). And personally I would have used a delay device slightly on the vocals (to echo the last syllables of the words - for example the “ness” of the word “darkness”). Besides the pitch shifting it still sounds pretty dry imho. Nevertheless nice work! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks, appreciate it.

Well, I think it got somewhat brighter in the master, I always mix all my highs about 2db lower than it comes out after the (automated) mastering.
Playing with vocal samples like that (repetitive, more trance-y) is a bit of a challenge for me, I can’t e.g. pull of many pitchshifts I had in mind.
Delays I like (in Renoise) include Delayorama, but that’s a wild beast that can explode a song:) So I played it safe here. Mostly Calf reberb.
thanks again, cheers!