Hmm, why don’t you guys use the jUltram?
That works even if you have Cubase and Renoise synced side by side, and you can sidechain the signals in renoise using a kick from Cubase.
Works really well in renoise aswell. No delays. True sidechaining. Check my post above on how to set this up.
I have had so much other stuff to do that I’ve not had the inspiration to put up a “tutorial”…
Anyhow the info how to sidechain with ease is on the post above.
The only pain in da ass is setting this stuff up, but after it is done, your settings are ready everytime you decide to make music.
It’s just about the windows primary midi device that might mess some settings for some people, but just make sure the primary device for midi is Midiyoke and the settings should stay just fine.