
can someone explain what exactly is going on here?

I’m not german but I understand it. He is just trying to enjoy a little game on his (according to him) way slow computer and gets a tad bit… well… annoyed…

huh… something like this then…


actually i felt almost the same today :) when i had to use some laptop and it was sloooow as hell for some reason… i was like :w00t:

EDIT: just watched the first video completly… ok, maybe i wasnt quite the same :lol:

yes, a german kid flipping out because of his game that won’t start.
Very weird stuff.

That second one…I suggest drumming lessons for him.

That had me laughing :D

So his game wouldn’t start? Looks suspiciously like he just kept loosing really early, but I don’t speak german to make a translation…

Hahahaha! What a computer wiz.

the long loading time of Unreal Tournament is a bit problematic to him. I wonder what he would have done in the datasette-powered homecomputer time…

Anyone thinks this is not staged? If not he has to suffer from a nasty disability… poor parents

Kids a moron.

He needs to grow a pair. I would love to see his reaction if I placed a commodore c64 in front of him without a super snapshot, fastload, action reply cartridge (or fast loading routines via ICEPIC) and watch what he does.

Or better yes downloading @ 300 baud using some totally shit protocol like xmodem without any error correction and then noticing some errors on the very last blocks.

If this kid only knew what it was like for some of us back 20+ years ago out our computers…

if that wasnt staged, I’d love to have seen what happened when he saw that this was being recorded.
The guy in the second one is old enough to know better ;)

If that’s not staged or if that’s not a retarded kid then somebody needs to take his computer away from him, tell him to shut the f**** up and allthough his parents shouldn’t, I’d gladly slap him around a bit.

Didn’t think it was funny at all… I can’t stand loud people.

Can anybody say that they have honestly never had a day like that in their life? I smashed up an optical mouse at work a couple of months ago as the one on my computer wouldn’t work and I couldn’t get it out from the tangle of leads.

I was working nights though, which is 7pm-7am…

and again tonight :(


The world is full of freaks and loosers… Sometimes a combination…

You’d REALLY sacrifice a precious c64 to this wee beast? I’d rather see him continue focusing his rage towards modern machines that aren’t fast enough for him. If it’s staged, it’s just stupid. The kb could have been broken to begin with, but the lack of consideration for the desk makes me think it isn’t. And if it’s not, it’s just sad. I get the vibe his parents would happily replace all the broken hardware he produces no questions asked.

this kid is simply a lunatic and a counter strike victim…It is in need of a key transcoder for the games shortcuts ;)