Experiment: Live Sample Morphing

I’m currently in the making of a much more flexible version. progresses may be slow because of lack of spare time, so keep on experimenting :)

native sytnh it,s great idea:D

is this morphing ( spectral way ) or sample fading ?

it’s justing fading one sample into another. the idea is to use this tool (and its forecoming new incarnation) to work with simple waves

if it’s not cpu hungry and if the fade curve could be automatized
hurray :)

Morpher might be introducing some kind of undo bug, maybe it happens when I create new sample for “Morpher source 1” and “Morpher destination”. I think they’re suppose to be the same type of sample, so sometimes I just copy paste instead of creating the same exact sample twice (using ZynZilla). I’ll keep at it until I figure out the sequence of events in order to replicate this.

Basically I can no longer undo and the undo history is gone and when I try to manually undo by clicking on edit and highlighting undo, it says “undo change sample data”.

edit: i have an lfo -> midi cc set up, the last quick debugging i did, i was messing around with the lfo and i was able to replicate the undo bug. prior to messing around with lfo, i was creating new samples for the three slots and changing them to the proper names. will test more later.

update: I have managed to mix more than two sources and add more synths and sources “ad libitum” (currently limited to 2 synths with a maximum of 8 sources each per song), but I’m facing with a problem which I feared since the beginning: when using more than two sources, you need to set one parameter for each source to define how much that source will “count” into the destination sample, so you will need a DSP slider for each source and you have to put a notifier on each slider. Unfortunately, this means that the notifiers will try to work concurrently on the destination sample if more than one parameter gets changed at a time, causing hiccups. With two sources, the situation is good on my quite fast PC, but with three sources problems start to arise.

I will try to think more at a solution for this. I will probably avoid this concurrence with simple “semaphores” (programmers who are familiar with threading will understand)

note: it is recommended to turn off sample editor undo even when running the simple LiveMorpher script

thanks to Taktik help, I have managed to finish another step: go on top of this page to download version 0.2 which now can mix more sources into a single one.

About concurrency: now the mixing of the samples happens in background. This is the only way to prevent GUI from being sluggish, but still does not solve a problem which cannot be solved anyway: the sample writing does not happen in real-time so, if you try rendering songs in real-time priority, the result won’t play well.

Next step: the code is almost ready to support more than one Synth instrument per song. To manage this scenario better, next version will create/search one MidiCcDevice for each Synth instrument, and the device must reside into a dedicated send track with a specific name. This way, you will be able to mix up to 16 samples together per Synth, and have more than Synth per song.

Wow, I somehow missed this, thnks!

hey thx again 4 ur hardwork…unfortunately i can’t use your tool just yet as it automatically creates morpher destintation as expected but just a horizontal wave in the slot…plus it seems to crash whenever i use it…something to do with failing notifiers…would u like me to post the message i get?

leaving pc now but can do it tomorrow.
thx again :walkman:

tarek, yes, please show me the crash message, thanks

right mouse click clearing the destination sample gave me:

Trying to load a sample into the destination slot & then undoing using ctrl+z gives me:

thanks for reporting. this was quite a hell to sort, but should work now. Please download version 0.21 from the top of the thread. If everything works well now, I could start the last step. As far as I have tested it, it worked.

soooo sorry, have not been feeling well, however, the message shown above looks very similar to the one i get…i will just download the new version and c if i still get the crash.

so far so good, b4 it would crash whenever i tried to repllace original samples…

quick question, does this only work w/ very short samples? Tried using a longer sample and when i ran it there was no change in the source destination.

you are probably mixing a very short sample with a longer one, using the first one as first source. The first found source sample is used to determine the length of the destination sample so, if you choose two sounds which are very different in size, it’s likely that the mix of the two will sound almost identical to the first one, although the wave will actually be different.

I do not recommend using it with long files, anyway, as LUA is not fast enough to handle the scenario; I have tried mixing two drumloops and it works, but the delay is unbearable.

NOTE: using a short and a long sample can also cause a crash because of a problem I have already fixed. Please download the newer version (0.22) at the top of the thread

Noted down a crash, but dunno if it is already fixed in 0.22

'C:\Users\plugexpert\AppData\Roaming\Renoise\V2.6.0\Scripts\Tools\com.renoise.LiveSynth.xrnx\main.lua' failed in one of its notifiers.  
The notifier will be disabled to prevent further errors.  
Please contact the author (It-Alien (Fabio Napodano) of Renoise team) for assistance...  
main.lua:76: Script execution terminated by user.  
stack traceback:  
 [string "do..."]:36: in function   
 main.lua:76: in function 'init'  
 main.lua:351: in function 'look_for_synths'  
 main.lua:338: in function <336><br>

Got the crash after installing the previously updated script (0.21), playing a song and and inserting a new vsti during playing the song. The tool wasn't even initialized.</336>

I have no idea why this happens. The problem occurs when inserting a VST instrument in a song, regardless of if the song has a “Synth” instrument.

I have reported the problem here some days ago and unfortunately didn’t yet found the reason for this. I will try to investigate it blindly as soon as possible; at the moment the only solution is disabling the script. I’m sorry for this issue.

ok, thanks to taktik the problem has been solved. Please download the tool again
