I’ve added a little bit of simple editing to the notes. If you do manage to get it to work and have a track transmitted to MiniRoll I’ll try and explain here.
First make sure you have version 0.2 from post #1.
Once you have a track in MiniRoll you’ll see that just running your mouse up and down the column display on the right hand side highlights the line. If you click your left mouse button on a highlighted line a marker is placed (a small red box with a cross in it) to the far right of the line. Again clicking the LMB toggles the marker on/off. You can mark as many lines as you like this way. If there are notes present on those lines the notes in the note grid are also marked red. For starters though just mark one line that has a note:
Attachment 4583 not found.
By marking it we’ve told MiniRoll that we want to modify this. Holding your mouse pointer position exactly as it it shown in the picture above (floating over the note) if you tap the ‘[’ key on the keyboard the note should drop down a semitone. Likewise the ‘]’ key raises the note a semitone. If you hold one of the shift keys and tap ‘[’ or ‘]’ it should raise or lower the note by a full octave. The change should also be shown in the Renoise track.
What happens if you have multiple markers and some of those markers have notes? If you float your mouse pointer over one of the note lines (it doesn’t matter which one, just make sure the mouse pointer is pointing to where a note is, like in the picture above) and tap ‘[’ or ‘]’ then all marked lines notes get raised or lowered.
A similar thing for the volume/pan/delay columns. If there is a number in these columns then you can modify the number using the same technique. Just float your mouse pointer over the volume, pan or delay column and tap ‘[’ or ‘]’ to raise or lower the amount. The instrument column isn’t used however.
If you have a lot of marked lines and you want to clear them, you can press the ‘c’ key. If you want to invert the marked selection of lines, you can press the ‘i’ key.
The ‘<’ and ‘>’ keys also increment and decrement the active column. Note that if you change the active column your selection markers are cleared.
One final very important thing to remember. The MiniRoll client (i.e. the Renoise tool script) and the MiniRoll separate window are not really synced at all. If you transmit a section of track down to MiniRoll then move back to Renoise, goto a different track (or even a different pattern!), MiniRoll is blissfully unaware of this. Don’t move back to MiniRoll and make modifications. It will either crash the tool or modify a track that doesn’t correspond anymore. Only make modifications if you know that you haven’t touched the Renoise edit cursor position (or pattern position) since clicking ‘Send to MiniRoll’. Well it is experimental
For all its quirks I think it’s been an interesting little project