Export To Midi? Is Really Needed Right Now!

Hello my friends,

I’m working with Renoise since 1.0, bought 1.1 and seams I’ll rebuy it to still get updates… I’m a proud user for so many years, released aside a full lenght album 100% produced in Renoise, but also more than 30 tracks around the world in over 30 CDs… and I’m really glad for all that you did.

I until did music for games with Renoise : www.mods.hajas.org

Like you see, I REALLY love Renoise! :yeah:

But I’m starting to get problems to use Renoise since only very few people use it, we all know that… it’s sad but it’s the truth… most professional musicians don’t use Renoise unfortunately… :drummer:

So when we start to work for something bigger, or with other musicians we need to colaborate… they send me their Midi files which I can open and continue the work, but I can’t export to Midi to let them give the final touch… NEVER… it’s like I’m the boss and should be me to give the last word (or note), where I’m not…

So things are starting to be complicated, I don’t want to stop to use Renoise, but I’m afraid I’ll be forced to not use it everytime I’ll need to work with someone else unfortunately… :(

don’t think it’s a complicated thing to do… since I really don’t need all the FXs translated to midi, but just the notes, tempos, tracks, panning and volumes will be already enough for me right now…

you can do that only available the full (paid) version, what I think will make more people buy it like myself.

please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese… do it! and do it fast!

I really need this feature working soon as possible… :walkman:

thank you for everything until now! :dribble:

PS: I’m still using 1.9, don’t had time enough to download the new versions… :o

There’s a xrns2mid tool here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xrns-php/.

thanks! I found some minutes ago… will test in few minutes… this is great! :D

but anyway, this option should be INSIDE the Renoise 2.2… :P

thanks again!