Exported file missing audio from one of my VSTis

For some unknown reason, my Vital Audio VSTi volume goes to 0 when I render my project as a file. Every time I render, the “volume level” knob (in the VSTi) goes to 0. I am expecting the VSTi to work normally but it just simply refuses to render with volume. I do not know how this happened. I have made a video which is easier to understand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QLXaLh37fo

If there’s a problem you should always mention your operating system and your Renoise version, and in this case the type of VST, too. Anyway, you could possibly fix your issue by automating the volume of your VSTi. Therefore put the instrument automation device in your track, select the VSTi’s instrument number and put the VSTi’s volume in the first slot, add your desired volume as automation curve and there you go. Should work.

Thanks. That indeed solved my problem.

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