I have local switch turned off, so I do not hear notes when I play the keyboard, but even with it off after I record midi notes into a track, set my instrument to a specific midi channel and then set up line in return on midi instrument it doubles up.
On the lineIn Ret I choose my audio device channel the synth is plugged into and live recording. If I turn down my synth volume I get nothing. If I uncheck LineIn Ret everything sounds normal, but only on my left speaker (synth is running mono to audio device), If I turn on LineIn Ret I get sound on both channels (as I want) but the left channel is doubled up and sounds like flangerish. While Line In Ret is engaged if I turn down my master volume I get nothing. If I mute the midi channel I am working with on the synth, I loose all audio on that channel, both
I want to write patterns on the synth and record them as samples one instrument at a time and one to 4 bars at a time. Is this a waste of time and should I forget midi and record short samples from the synth and work with it totally in Renoise? Having a hard time figuring out a decent work flow using an external synth, but the doubled up noise is a real drag.
Configure your sound card not to directly play back what is put into its input(s). Methods differ by model and tool used to configure.
I have a Avid Mbox 3rd gen. I have looked through the manual and did not find anything about direct playback. I can turn the channel volumes down in the avid software, then I get no sound from anywhere.
So In Reaper or Reason I can set up a midi channel, record my midi data, route a new audio track to the midi track, turn that audio track monitoring OFF and record my midi data to a wav file. There is no doubling of sound, I can even do this via the synth sequencer with main volume turned down and Reaper puts out the input midi audio with no doubling. Never have used a “direct play toggle” before.
This works in both sequencers. I then delete the midi track and have my sample in wav format ready to cut up and do whatever. Is this method of operation not possible in Renoise? I understand I can go into the sampler directly and record a short sample. Is this essentially the same thing or do people generally use something other than Renoise to make a bunch of samples then just edit them in Renoise? Maybe I am over thinking this.
If seems like the “line in Ret” needs a monitoring off button while still being check marked so that audio is being sent to another track other than master so that it can be saved?
Ok I rebooted everything still no dice, thought about it for a bit and realized that Renoise crashes every 3rd time I open it and says Asio4all cannot be loaded. I uninstalled asio4all used mbox asio driver and lo and behold when I set up line in ret device on my bounce track and mute the midi track I get one signal. Seems asio4all even after multiple pc reboots was jackballing things somehow.