Faderfox EC4 midi controller and renoise

hello everyone,
I’m using renoise on endeavouros 64bits(arch linux) i have read the manual of the faderfox ec4 nothing to complicated to use with renoise(i have not it yet i wait to have the money).
I have a question i have 16 potentiometers which are toggle at the same times(not the same cc) so could i use one page for the same effect on different tracks for example i have a vst effect on tracks 1and 3(the same effect) i was thinking one of the 16 toggle to select the track 1 with assigned toggle 1 and after select the toggle 3 for track 3 .
another question could i use the same presets each time i load the vst which
are programmed control?

thank’s ju

i’ve been writing “selected track midi” scripts, so that if a track is selected, then the knob sends to that track’s parameters. so you don’t hard-wire midi knobs to “only one track” and then need to use 16 knobs to accomplish something that 1 knob can do depending on selected track

sorry i don’t really understand what you want to mean

if you use a midi knob in a midicontroller such as the Faderfox EC4
and map it to, say, a macro knob in an instrument.
then no matter where you are in the song, that midicontroller knob will control the macro knob.
this means, if you have 64 instruments in the song, and want to control each of them separately, you need to have 64 knobs.

but there’s a solution.

there’s a way of creating selected_instrument midimappings, so, that when you have instrument32 selected and you twist the cutoff knob, then that instrument 32 cutoff is changed.

when you then have instrument13 selected and you twist the cutoff knob, then the instrument 13 cutoff is changed.

this means there’s a way of creating shortcuts + midimappings that are currently-selected-instrument-specific, as opposed to “always mapped to a specific instrument”.

it helps immensely when having say multiple parameters that one wants to control per each instrument, and one does not have say 8*64 midiknobs available.


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yeah. i’ve sent you a dm