Faders Should Not Apply Before Moved

I find it a bit difficult to mix, because if you don’t have the mouse pointer exactly in the middle of a fader when you start to hold down the left button on it, then it will change value even if you didn’t move the mouse. I would suggest that it doesn’t move until you move the mouse.

ctrl+z is your friend when that happens :) though I agree it can be irritating, so +1 for your suggestion when left mouseclicking. Right mouse clicking should remain the same, since when automating you’d sometimes want quick jumps (imo).

Renoise has such wonderful GUI, touches like this will make it wonderFULLEST!!! Can I give it a yes? Oh yes I can!

Resizable (make them taller) faders on the mixer, more options such as Phase, etc also need doing

Actually they already behave like this, but as soon as you click too far from the knobs center, they will jump. Else you could not quickly set/jump to a new value instantly.

Maybe the range where the jump is applied could be a bit larger then?

EDIT: Oh, the mixers faders don’t do this while the other horizontal faders do.

Give visual feedback! When you’re close enough to the middle of the knob so that clicking will not change the value, make it light up.

Plus a keyboard modifier to force value jumps perhaps?