Hello, back here with another config problem. This time it happens consistently. The steps to reproducing the problem might be really short because that’s how I reproduced the problem on every boot.
Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:
Open Renoise. At this stage the error will pop up already, but let’s do some testing here.
Since the config will save at program end, close Renoise.
Shut down and boot your computer again. A restart also works.
After the reboot, open Renoise.
When I check both the Config.xml file and KeyBindings.xml file, the contents were empty. I have uploaded both here, even though it might not look like much. Config.xml (50.3 KB) KeyBindings.xml (165.5 KB) Log.txt (2.4 MB)
I mean, it’s not really a big problem to set the config and keybinds every time after a reboot, but I’m pretty sure there’s gotta be a solution to this.
What you are saying is that you open Renoise, close Renoise, reboot and the Config.xml and Keybindings.xml contain zero bytes?
What I’d first of all do is to make sure Renoise (and the os) is writing the files to the HD/SSD (which is it btw?)
I’d open Renoise, close Renoise (don’t reboot) and check to make sure that there is xml data (and not just zeros) in those .xml files written to the HD/SSD.
If there is I’d then reboot the machine. Once rebooted I wouldn’t load Renoise. I’d check to see if there is still valid xml data in those xml files.
Uh huh, on reboot (without loading Renoise) the xml files just (magically) zero out (probably reading the files before the reboot out of cache(?)) At the moment if that was happening to me I would suspect bad blocks/broken HD/SSD??
Thanks for the reply dude but that is complete gobbledeegook to me as i am an idiot. Ive found the problem and surprise surprise its the waveshells again.Why would they work perfectly and just all of a sudden decide fuck you.
I’m gonna have to get rid of all my waves stuff because its just miserable.Couple of hours ahead of me now uninstalling and reinstalling everything.Probably the last time i’m gonna do it, sick to death of it.