Familiarizing With Renoise'S Demo

Hi all,

I’ve been using Psycle for a long time and since I love to create music, I decided to buy Renoise, which seems pretty similar (it’s a tracker) to Psycle.
So, of course, I downloaded the demo and started using it. It looks very interesting but I don’t find a lot of instruments. And I’m not used to using samples (just a few for the rythm) because I usually don’t really want to have the same sounds than anybody else. Are there instruments that we can use for the melody, are there “generators” like Psycle or Buzz?

Or does it mean that Renoise is a program to be used with VST and that those VST make the melody?

For instance, this song I made has been created with Psycle only and one sample (the hithat). It’s not finished but it will give you an idea of what you can do with the generators: I made my own sounds. Would it be possible to do that with Renoise without VST or should I use VST also (wich wouldn’t be a problem, actually, I just don’t want to miss the stuff that might be included in Renoise)?

you can get many XRNI files from http://www.loopproject.com/

you can also get instruments from other songs by loading them and saving individual instruments to disk. for example, look for Renoise beatbattle songs.

finally, Renoise can load FastTracker’s XI and XM files, MOD and IT files, and MP3, OGG, WAV, AAC, FLAC samples.

finally, registered Renoise users can download a special 200MB instruments pack

Also don’t forget IT-Alien’s “Generate Custom Wave” tool. B)

You can generate quite various sounds via using [Generate Custom Wave Tool] -> [Instrument Editor] -> Renoise’s DSPs. Fundamentally, renoise is a wave table synthesizer.

Renoise has no native synths. it is really sample-oriented. as satobox pointed out, as of 2.6 you can use scripted tools, and one of the best is the ‘Generate Custom Wave’-tool, which lets you do just as the name implies. of course, this is then a sample of a waveform, instead of an actual synthesizer. however, you will find that with the tools at your disposal, you will be able to do a lot of stuff to just a single-cycle waveform to make it sound like something fantastic. the same goes for samples: truthfully, there are so many out there that your fear of using the same stuff as everybody else is not very realistic. that said, instead of downloading, you can always record your own for example.

also, you might want to check out dblue’s ‘native monophonic synth’. it’s a neat trick, and it works pretty well.

i hope you will give Renoise the chance it deserves, despite the lack of native synths. if you are really in need, indeed use VST.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question.

Yes, I’ll very probably buy Renoise because it’s not expensive, it looks very powerful (much more than Psycle, the sofware I was used to using) and I’ll be able to use good VST.
I just thought some synths were included and I didn’t find them. What I’m gonna do is downloading some vst to see how I can use them in Renoise. By the way, the fact that you can “create” instruments with a single sample looks very promising…

For this price, I think I shouldn’t miss it! And if I can get 200MO of stuff as a registered user… that would be great!