Hey there… I’m actually heading two projects currently… and… since I feel there’s a slight lack of participation in both of them… I thought I would post a little plug here… in the form of an invitation…
A little known fact is… that I support Independent artists like myself in 2 ways…
I host a shoutcast radio station… http://www.fesn.net
I have an independent artist conversational forum, and music release system… or I should say, I’m working on it… http://www.indieplace.com
But I need help… I’m having a hard time doing it alone… I’m feeling liek I’m doing this all as a lost cause…
I want to host independent artists music, and shoutcast thier music also…
I already have some artists music and am playing it on my shoutcast… but I’m JUST jumping into the independent artist hosting arena… and I need a bit of legal help/advice on how to deal with artists signup… and keeping myself legally safe…
(i’m going to have to put my modesty of this entire thing aside for a minute)
seeing as how I’m doing this ALL out of pocket, out of the goodness of my heart to forward the exposure of intepenent artists… I was hoping I could find some other people with the same big heart as me…
(ok… here’s where the modesty gets clouded…)
Indieplace is a not-for-profit organization… (not to be confused with non-profit) … we make money… but we don’t keep any of it for ourselves… we use it to cover costs… and pay those who help in it’s work
I need the following people for Indieplace & FESN …
- php programmer?! familiar with PHPnuke (we use for both sites)
I need a artists registration and handling ssytem for the bands and artists…
- lawyerish person … I don’t need to be sued… I’m kinda waiting on the full release of indieplace till I get someone to help make sure our ass is covered… I have some forms I stole from another typeof site of the same nature… and I need to make sure that I won’t be sued for thier use…
anyone that could help, or wishes to submit, or sign up thier music… are free to join up… . two communities ready to be built…
thankx for your time…