Fine portamento (up/down (E1x E2x)

I just wanted to express my feelings on (missing) feature, of some older trackers like milky, ft2 etc.

This will help as well to people who experiment with the sound design a lot, and the ones who are mangling with the microtonal music in general.
(i am aware of tool that does import scales)

i see a solution as an expandable column (like delay), or just dedicated FX command within fx column like E1x E2x, really any combination would be sufficient. I do not want to mess with automation, i love tracker realm because of fx commands, and i believe that most of guys here do, too!

Cheers to the devs!


It has been a while since I’ve last used fasttracker, can you post sound examples?

I’m all for moar pattern effects to mangle sounds!

there is 1:1 ft2 clone:
This is available in milkytracker as well :
(and i guess many more trackers?)

this is convinient for phase shifting/creative effects (i know you can achieve phase shift with the delay column itself), but fine-tuning differs from that way a bit…

Easy to reproduce:
create sine/ (to your taste), import in milky/ft2-clone and renoise, set same settings regarding ‘meter’ LPB/speed/bpm, pattern lenght.
and compare fine tune fx (E2x) of same sample with the 0Dxy in Renoise.

I didn’t post sound examples as it is very easy to reproduce, but i could if that is necessary

if you are having hard time for fx commands, consult manuals:
ft2: (available within FT2 in the help page)

Will try this weekend, not behind a computer right now.

You know, besides delay values, you can use the DXX & UXX pattern commands as well to speed up or slow down a sample, offsetting next to another sample to create phaser and or flanging sounds? Perhaps your suggestion offers smaller increments thus more control?

i already mentioned the part you are referring to.
0Dxy/0Uxy is not even close to the detail that E2x can provide.

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you can also tune things via pitch modulation. The pitch modulation again can be controlled with pattern effects.

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Excuse the non-reading!

Yep love it, lots of different roads to Rome in Renoise! I’ve done instruments for the downloadable packs where I’ve used the arpeggio command AXX when doubling sounds to also achieve phasing & flanging (for example put A01 as pattern command on the second sample). Same for the sample offset command SXX (for example put S01 on the second sample etc). VXX also gives nice results if you experiment with it. Anything which basically adjusts position of the same sound offsetting the layers, like cutting away a small portion of a left or right channel of a stereo sound in the sample editor.

OP’s suggestion sounds like a finer finetuned control.

@Jonas, Sorry if i sounded rude, it wasn’t my intention at all.

yeah i’m aware of all workarounds within renoise
-I’m just curious why that feature isn’t available in renoise? Is there a deep technical reason? or just no interest in that function in particular? from my point of view (no, i do not know code of renoise, and that’s why i ask here this question) it seems like not-so-hard to implement, since that was available like 30 years ago in different trackers.
My assumption is that it has to do with core of the tracker, the timing - if it is technical challenge at all… ( i assume becase i really do not know, and that’s why i ask that simple question)


Here’s an odd workaround that you might not know and it offers more detail than U&D alone.

Put GF in the volume column and a Ux/Dx in the panning column (it must be GF and the commands must go in those exact columns). The note will instantly pitch itself up/down by a small amount controlled by the value, and you don’t need a preceding note to glide from like you normally do when gliding. This is kind of hacky though and the exact amount of pitching will be affected by the TPL.

Edit - I just retested this and it also works with the Local/Master FX columns. The trick is that the glide must be to the left of the pitch command.


Thanks, i will test this tonight when i get home.
Did you compared to the E1x E2x in terms of how detailed it is?
Thanks once again!

There’s as much detail as E1/2x in the Ux/Dx version and 16 times the amount of detail with the Uxx/Dxx version. This is with a TPL of 16 though, because I’ve worked out how it changes:

Pitch value for 1 semitone = TPL - 1

So at the standard TPL of 12, pitching by one semitone requires UB/DB or UB0/DB0 (12 - 1 = B in hex).

Edit - Tested some more and this is true when gliding on the same line as a note. Without a note on the line a semitone is just the TPL value.

Something else to be aware of is that a glide on the same line as a note isn’t actually instant, it seems to take place over the course of 1 tick. Not a problem at the standard setting of 12, but noticeable at lower values.


sorry @Achenar, i’m having hard time replicating it, can you please provide a simple example of usage?
Thank you a lot again for helping out!

Yup, it’s as simple as:

C-4 00 GF UF

if this is the right way to do it (left column),it behaves like right column,

Remember that the Glide command is about gliding to a fixed point set by the user, so if you want to keep pitching upward each line like in your example:


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oh, so basically i’m micro-tuning sample rather than bend-pitching. I understand now.
Thank you Achenar a lot for your help! i wish there was a way to use it like one would use pitch-bend,but this should do as well!

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agree, the more commands the merrier :slight_smile:

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Another huge Plus if there was a fine tune Command: Renoise could support Microtonal Scales natively and or via Tools.

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there is already a tool that tunes instruments to microtonal scales (provided by site where you can download scales for free). And yes - my intention was to mess more with microtonal stuff - to experiment, and that;s why i asked this question in the first place… i prefer the way with commands rather than using automation (smc tool can automate finetune too)

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Totally understand, I also think it’s best to be able to work as much as possible with
the tracker view itself, without having to switch windows/views etc. to achieve something.

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