First day of Renoise

Hi guys,

Well I am here to thank the developers for making what is such an incredibly useful piece of software!

I used to use Fast Tracker back in 1995, up to 1999, and during that time my collection of songs got pretty big. After this time I decided it was time to spend a bit of cash, so i’ve now got a few hardware synthesisers, samplers, and Cakewalk Sonar.

Occasionally I listen to my old stuff and i think ‘man, i really should remix that somewhen!’ … now i’ve found Renoise - i can just open up the old XM mods, and lay down some synths/samplers over the top! I’ve also been playing around with some VST effects on top of my old flat samples and i’m already getting some really nice results.

Anyway, I just want to say that I am so greatful to you guys! Thankyou so so much!

Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the comments. Nice to see that Renoise still recovers old trackers :)