FL Studio 20 doesn't seem to detect Redux's inputs

I’m trying to get Redux to play nicely with FL Studio 20. I can load it as a VSTi and play existing samples without any issue, but the inputs don’t seem to be working. I can’t get any audio through the Line In device or to record in the Waveform editor.

FL Studio detects it as a synth, and even when loading the VST in Patcher any audio piped in doesn’t seem to make it as far as the actual plugin. When asking about this on the Image Line forums, others were able to get this to work as FL Studio detected it as an effect as it found the inputs. They were able to switch freely between Synth and Effect in FL Studio’s plugin settings page, but I cannot.

Is there something that could cause Redux to hide its inputs? Have I inadvertently changed a setting somewhere? Has anyone had this issue with FL Studio and been able to overcome it?