Focus grouping options / improving focus

For some people the different focus areas of the gui may be helpful.

But sometimes maybe the separation of the focus goes too far, for example the sequence list vs. pattern editor. For example, as soon as the pattern is focused, and then you click on a track in the sequence list, and press return, still the last selection in the sequence list will be switched on/off and not the current clicked one.

Or another example: In the automation view, if you click there and select something without enable focus, you cannot copy-paste there afterwards.

So what I mean is some smart auto-focus option for mouse clicks (any kind), while focus locking is activated. Because the non-locking-mode caused some problems, but I don’t remember it exactly… :slight_smile:

Having two focus modes is already quite complex - so how do you suggest that this could be improved?

Don’t forget that the locked focus is complemented by ALT or middle click to set focus. Or that we have (unassigned) keyboard shortcuts for setting focus to practically any element.

Hey danoise,

I found now again the problem I have if I disable the option “Lock Keyboard Focus”:

For example I focused the pattern view and am jumping around using F9-F12 keys. Now I move a slider of a dsp in the current track. And now I cannot use the keys F9-F12 anymore, until I again click the pattern.

This is maybe intended, yes.

But basically I disabled the above option to get immediate activation in the playlist: Without the option, I can click the playlist only once, and then use return to enable / disable a block.

So basically I think I mean that the DSP row below IMO should have the same focus as the pattern editor… I mean, is the dsp bar even targetable in shortcuts?

The focus should not change only for the basic keys like cursor keys.

Or let’s say that you could enable an option “Do not lock Keyboard Focus” for each focus area individually, by right clicking on that area and selecting this option in context menu.

Did not even realize until now, that I actually can multiple assign a shortcut, as long as it is in different focus groups…

Let’s say the same action would appear in multiple groups, and obligatory in global group? And so “copy” and “paste”, too?

Or the actions not listed in a tree, but in a table, so you easily could assign an action to multiple groups, also visually? And below a checkbox group filter panel?