There’s a problem when people can go through all of someone’s posts and -1 all of them to drop their reputation. Not sure what you can do to stop this kind of abuse, but I personally feel it negates the purpose of the post karma in the first place. Perhaps limitations on the number of karma points dolled out towards one person by the same person in a given amount of time?
I think most people are using the feature correctly instead of acting like children, but there will always be a few exceptions I guess. Hopefully any silly behaviour that is happening now will eventually blow over and be forgotten about.
would someone please click my ‘+ button’
Lili357 you’re such a nice person man, you gotta be one the nicest persons i ever meet
you gotta have more positive points…
I don’t think it’s too worth worrying about but I also wouldn’t mind it we only had, say 5 Karma points, good or bad, that we could give each day. Or if the forums they could be used it was limited to those where people area usually making suggestions or giving help.
But at the end of the day it’s just fun and games innit
Normally you’re able to see who has given you reputation and on what post…
I would have to agree w/ Byte Smasher, I have been noticing people get -1s for seemingly innocous posts…they don’t deserve that IMO.
Maybe it should be like US voting, where the public votes go to an electoral college so to speak(moderators in this case) to see if the post said anything that could warrant an opinion deserving of a +1 or -1.
I have seen -1s for smiley faces and one word responses recently…
Obviously my idea is far fetched and unrefined but u get the point, I am sure those who have been a part if this forum for longer will have better and more practical ideas…or maybe it is good idea…it is up to the public!!
Too much work expecting moderators to view each +/- posted and authorise it. Either stop worrying or limit the amount we can dish out
I haven’t looked into IPB code so I don’t know if this is possible, but why not just turn off the minus option?
Big up stuff you agree with, ignore stuff you don’t.
Fuck it, I looked, and did the above. (Yes, I’m a moderator)
Next, I will be resetting anyone with a negative rep back to zero.
Good times.
I myself don’t care if people give negative karma to each other; doing that, they are building up their own negative karma after all…
IMO, the ‘spamming’ of various topics with the war on how to be the baddest badass of all is much more annoying for all users, right?
Personally, I don’t really see it as good or bad karma. So far I’ve mostly been using the system to give a b[/b] when I enjoy an idea that someone has posted, and a b[/b] for ideas that don’t seem to make sense or haven’t been given a lot of thought. I think it’s especially useful when discussing possible new features. When a post has a very clear b 5[/b] displayed right beside it, for example, then it’s immediately obvious that other people like it, rather than trying to dig through an endless supply of quite useless “+1!” responses. Likewise, if an idea isn’t that great, then a clear b 3[/b] beside it shows that other people agree. In any case, I don’t think the +/- stuff should be taken too personally. I just see it as a useful tool, not a popularity contest.
Well, literally, I disabled the minus.
People abuse the system. Many internet users are unfortunately sociopaths and lonely click whores. The problem is clicking on +/- affects your user profile, so people do take it personally. I say everything is worth zero to start, and + is representative of something someone agrees with.
Let’s sleep on it?
Also, It turns out I can’t search on Reputation, so if you would like your reputation reset, drop a line in this thread. (Or show me how I can do a search to see everyone with reputations below zero)
To all morons abusing the system, don’t be a fucking idiot.
Good times.
right, i think that people here is taking a lot of things too serious
and i gotta tell you this forum has a lot of cool people, ready to help and explain stuff without thinking “i’ll keep this information just for myself”
and if someone enjoys giving me negative points i can also enjoy making fun of that with Lili357 that has the worst score, or better in our “competition joke”
that’s gotta be the best name for band i’ve heard since i’m in this forum
and it’s catchy too
and i gotta tell you this forum has a lot of cool people, ready to help and explain stuff without thinking “i’ll keep this information just for myself”
Its really true… when ppl ask questions about things I didn’t know about b4, i am always willing to answer.
Loads of ppl on this forum helped me out with all sorts of crazy issues.
I think Conner’s decision was a good one, this forum shouldn’t be so serious that people can have negativity attached to their profiles as the result of other users input.
I undertstand people can be unreasonable sometimes. However, it just sets a bad precedent. We need to spread friendly vibes, not uber-competitiveness at the expense of another.
Healthy competition in terms of music is good though!
Don’t forget we still have the five star rating in this here Ideas & Suggestions forum, which is for that also.
Sure, but that’s so boring
Oh great, now you’re giving them ideas
AKA slashdots “mod up, not down”… I think it’s a good idea.
do you mean he comes from Nice, France?
Which only works in the Ideas and Suggestions forum